Parable of Talents
Son, think about the parable of the talents and what that means to you and for you. How are you using what I’ve entrusted to you?
How has that changed over time?
How will that change over time?
Think about the next three years and come up with a plan of how you’re going to use the talents I’ve entrusted to you.
Think about our relationship, your relationship with your wife and kids, friends, colleagues, neighbors; think about work and your future. Think about hobbies and your eternal calling and purpose. Map out what you want to accomplish. Stretch your goals beyond what you can do on your own. Stretch in a way that would honor me and not harm you. Think about stewardship in every sense of the word.
Keep me first throughout this process, otherwise you’ll labor in vain.
I love you son. You’re doing so well yet still have so much room for growth.